
Zhoima Canyon Scenic Spot

Jun 28, 2016 3:03 By

Geographic Location

Zhoima Canyon Scenic Spot, discovered accidentally by some inspection workgroup, is situated in Gulu Township, Nagqu County, 11 kilometers from the 109 highway and 230 kilometers from Lhasa. With an elevation of about 4,700 meters, Zhoima Canyon Scenic Spot boasts its verdant trees and forest, colorful and fragrant flowers, beautiful lakes and mountains, grotesque rocks and caves and strong vitality.

Brief Introduction

Zhoima Canyon Scenic Spot stretches 15 kilometers from south to north. With snow-capped mountains standing on one side and luxuriantly green shrubs and fragrant flowers growing on the other side, a limpid stream flows through the canyon. Two sayings "different weather five kilometers apart" and "four seasons in one day" well describe this phenomenon.

Zhoima Canyon Scenic Spot is an ideal summer resort. In summer, Zhoima Canyon is picturesque and enchanting. The grassland at the entrance of the canyon is like a huge green carpet ready to welcome visitors both at home and abroad. Driving along this green “corridor” and breathing the spotless fresh air, you will find yourself at Xanadu, completely relaxed and happy. Goshawks are flying over the snow peak; flocks of wild sheep are browsing and frolicking on the hillside and the grassland like white clouds; Himalayas marmots, hares and plateau rats are briskly accompanying you forward. What a carefree scene!

Deep in Zhoima Canyon, the blue sky, clear water and snow-capped mountains constitute a fancy landscape. Here you can appreciate the peculiar topography formed by the erosion of modern glaciers. The strangely shaped stones and caves, which seem to be created by wonders, are so fascinating that they are the sources for many appealing tales. The monks and nuns of Kagyupa once came to build a monastery and a nunnery in the canyon, crazily wanting to become immortals by excellent practice. This now draws numerous Buddhist followers to come for pilgrimage. These two temples, with a history of more than 800 years, have become historic sites, adding human culture to this canyon.

Zhoima Canyon, a good combination of natural landscape and Tibetan culture, is awaiting more development, scientific research and tourist exploration.

Sonam Tenphel

About the Author - Sonam Tenphel

Energetic, responsible and reliable, Sonam is a guide with more than seven years experience informing visitors about heritage sites and attractions places in Tibet.

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