
17 Things to Know Before Visiting the Everest Base Camp of Tibet

May 9, 2024 10:24 By

Traveling to the Everest Base Camp in Tibet is no ordinary feat. It is a travel goal for many and demands careful planning and preparation - financial, physical, or mental. That's where our comprehensive guide comes in – to help you maximize this bucket-list adventure.
Standing at the foot of the majestic Mount Everest and witnessing the breathtaking beauty of the 'roof of the world,' we don't want you to feel that you are missing out on anything or are overwhelmed with unsavory surprises.
From on-ground experience to first-hand knowledge and practical advice, we will cover everything you need to know before setting foot on this inspirational journey. Let's dive in and get you ready for the experience of a lifetime at Everest Base Camp in Tibet!

1. No Matter When you Visit the Everest Base Camp of Tibet, a Down Jacket is Always Necessary

Situated at an altitude of 5200m, Everest Base Camp is always cold, though the weather in Everest Base Camp varies throughout the year. From April to early June and September to November, the preferred months to make the Everest Base Camp tour, the daytime temperature can reach 15°C but drops to below zero at night. During the winter months of November to March, the nighttime temperatures are around -15°C and daytime temperatures at -5°C.

So whenever you visit, keeping warm is essential. Down jackets are superb insulators that can easily regulate your core temperature to keep you comfortable in sub-zero temperatures. Taking care of your throat, head, and torso is essential to avoid catching a cold at a high altitude.

2. There is a Speed Control, so It Takes a Long Drive to Arrive at the Everest Base Camp of Tibet

Though the distance from Lhasa to Everest Base Camp is only 720 km, there are strict speed limits for safety reasons to make the going slow. Typically, tour vehicles travel 80 km/h on expressways, 70 km/h on national highways, and 30 km/h when passing bends. For instance, the 270-kilometer journey from Lhasa to Shigatse takes around 5 to 6 hours due to the speed limits. Download podcasts and carry motion sickness medicines to keep the car ride comfy.

The Road Condition to the Everest Base Camp from Lhasa

3. Actually, the Mt.Everest Shows Much More Clear in Winter

With no cloud cover and low to no precipitation, winter days give constant sunshine, clear visibility, and the magical snow-covered landscape composition of Mt. Everest. The days have clear deep blue sky, and the night creates a mesmerizing atmosphere with the star-studded Milkyway. Mount Everest's iconic peak stands glorious, with a golden sunrise and sunset glow, making it even more magnificent than during the peak tourist season. So if you are planning to tour Tibet in winter, consider adding Everest Base Camp to your itinerary. It will be a fantastic addition to your travel list.

Tibet Everest Base Camp winter tourTibet Everest Base Camp winter tour.

4. The Accommodations and Dining in Everest Base Camp of Tibet Improves a Lot in Recent Years

Accommodations at Everest Base Camp include two primary options: tented guest houses set up by local Tibetans and the Rongbuk Monastery guesthouse. The former offers an authentic experience of Tibetan nomadic life and provides basic but comfortable beds with simple meals. Rongbuk Monastery guesthouse has better facilities like electric blankets, power sockets, twin rooms, and a dining room serving simple Chinese and Tibetan dishes and beverages like milk and hot water. Other accommodation options near Everest Base Camp include guest houses in Tashi Dzom and hotels in Old Tingri, where you will find more facilities like running water and electricity.

See how the Everest Base Camp Tent Hotel is like

5. There are No Age-Limits for Visiting the Everest Base Camp of Tibet

Yes, you read that right! We have had various remarkable clients proving that age is not an obstacle. The oldest clients we received were an 82-year-old German traveler Gerhard and an 84-year-old American lady Anne Gentry who successfully reached Everest Base Camp. On the other hand, we had a Swiss family visiting Everest Base Camp with their two boys, aged 6 and 4, making them the youngest clients at Mt. Everest.

 Mr. Gerhard in EBC

Sturdy German gentlemen Mr. Gerhard who made it to EBC and even Mt. Kailash kora in Tibet at the age of 82.

But it's essential to consider individual health conditions and consult a doctor, especially for those above the age of 80 or below the age of 7, due to the high altitude's potential impact on the body's ability to adapt.

6. These People Couldn’t Travel to the Everest Base Camp of Tibet

While Everest Base Camp in Tibet is theoretically open to all kinds of people, certain health conditions may prevent individuals from traveling to extreme altitudes (5200m) and most parts of Tibet for safety reasons.

People with certain medical conditions, such as heart disease, severe arrhythmia, hypertension, cranial vascular diseases, and emphysema, are advised not to travel to Tibet, including the Everest Base Camp, due to the potential risks associated with high altitude.

Additionally, it is not recommended for small children under the age of 7 to undertake the Everest Base Camp tour due to the challenges and potential health risks posed by the high-altitude environment.

7. These are the Best Places to Shoot the Mt.Everest, Except for the Everest Base Camp

Apart from the Everest Base Camp, there are three excellent places to photograph Mount Everest in all its majesty and mysticism. Gawula Pass, on the way to Everest Base Camp, offers panoramic views of Mount Everest, Makalu, Lhotse, Cho Oyu, and Shishapangma. The undulating landscape and winding roads add another dimension to the scenery. Old Tingri provides a clear view of Everest from a distance at a lower altitude than Everest Base Camp. Rongbuk Monastery is not only a creative foreground for capturing the stunning Everest summit but also a night joint to do astrophotography as light pollution is absent. Composing sunrise shots over the Mt. Everest peak from here is every photographer’s dream.

Tibet Gawula Pass tour

Enjoy the panoramic view of the highest peaks of the Himalaya from Gawula Pass

8. Prepare the Oxygen Supply When Taking the Everest Base Camp of Tibet

While on the Everest Base Camp tour in Tibet, it is essential to be prepared for the high-altitude environment. Oxygen supply is crucial for coping with the thin air at such elevations. Portable oxygen bottles are provided to ensure the safety and well-being of travelers during the journey. Experienced tour guides organize the oxygen supply and carry blood-oxygen-saturation-level meters to monitor each tourist's health throughout the trip. They are well-trained to respond to health concerns and provide assistance when needed.

9. Pack Chocolate And Any Extra Treats that You Want

Whether traveling overland from Lhasa to Everest Base Camp or trekking from Tingri, the trip can be energy-consuming, making snacks like chocolate, sugar, and energy bars a helpful source of sustenance. Also, at Everest Base Camp, options are limited, and packet foods are priced higher due to the challenging logistics of transporting food to high altitudes. So, it is wise to pack instant food such as self-heating rice, bread, and easily digestible biscuits.

10. The Sunset is Stunning, but Also Never Miss out the Starry Night of Everest Base Camp

If you thought dipping daylight has ended your photographing opportunities at Everest Base Camp, you have not looked up yet. The sunset and sunrise are stunning, but nightsky has its own magic. Thanks to its high altitude, pure air, and lack of light pollution, the Everest Base Camp in Tibet is an ideal spot to witness the dazzling galaxy and stars.

the starry night of Tibet Everest Base Camp

Never miss out the starry night of Tibet Everest Base Camp.

From April to June, you can experience the most spectacular views of the starry sky when the stars glow with different colors and the Milky Way is laid out like a mystical arrangement of celestial lights. Climbing the nearby hill offers an even better view, or you can also photograph the sky from the Rongbuk Monastery.

11. Rongbuk Glacier around Everest Base Camp is Not Available to Visit Unless You Prepare in Advance

Though the majestic Rongbuk Glacier in Tibet is approximately a 4-hour walk away from Everest Base Camp, visiting the glacier requires advance preparation and special permits. Approaching a place higher than Everest Base Camp is considered mountaineering, mandating a permit from Tibet Mountaineering Association. The activity is costly and takes 3 days to reach. Everest Base Camp tickets do not grant access to these areas, so proper planning and permits are essential.

rongbuk glacier around everest base camp in tibet

The imposing Rongbuk Glacier in Tibet, about 4 hours walk from Everest Base Camp

12. Rongbuk Monastery at the Everest Base Camp is the World’s Highest Monastery

Situated at 5,009m (16,434ft) above sea level, at the foot of Rongbuk Glacier, Rongbuk Monastery is the world's highest monastery. The summit of Mount Everest is approximately 25 kilometers away, and the Everest Base Camp is only 8 kilometers from here. This five-storeyed monastery's large chorten creates a fascinating photo frame with Mt. Everest as the backdrop. During the Saga Dawa festival, the monastery hosts Buddhist dancing ceremonies and other grand celebrations. It is connected to Shigatse City and Lhasa by road, and visitors can stay overnight, but the facilities are basic.

The Tibet Rongbuk Monastery

The Tibet Rongbuk Monastery is the world's highest monastery.

13. The Wifi & Tel Signal at Everest Base Camp of Tibet is Very Good in Nowadays

Uninterrupted network access is crucial, especially when you are touring the roof of the world. Nowadays, the wifi and mobile signal at Everest Base Camp of Tibet have improved in quality. Local Chinese SIM cards provide good coverage, even at Everest Base Camp. Travelers can buy one to fit in their unlocked phones or rent a pocket wifi unit at the airport upon arrival, allowing internet access during their Tibet trip.

However, Everest Base Camp accommodations, including Rongbuk Monastery and tented options, do not provide wifi, so renting a portable wifi device is advisable for connectivity if you don't have an unlocked phone.

14. You Can Never Take a Shower at Everest Base Camp; Also Need to Overcome the Toilet Problem

Running water is a luxury at a high altitude (5200m) due to water scarcity, so taking showers at Everest Base Camp in Tibet is a distant dream. Accommodations are very basic here, and they lack shower facilities. The only toilet in the tents is a pit toilet with questionable hygiene, and Rongbuk Monastery guesthouse bathroom quality is a little better, but the concrete pit toilet may be uncomfortable for Westerners.

15. There is a Post Office at Everest Base Camp, but Only Available from End of May to End of October

Surprise your pals with a souvenir to remember - postcards from the top of the world! The world's highest post office is located in Everest Base Camp in Tibet, China Post Office. Running since 2008, this tiny post office is operated by only three officials from 10:00 to 18:00. Due to harsh winters, the post office remains open only seasonally, from the end of May to the end of October.

The Tibet Everest Base Camp post office

The world's highest post office is located in Everest Base Camp in Tibet, China Post Office.

16. 8 Days Lhasa to Everest Base Camp Overland is the Most Recommended Itinerary

Our 8 days Lhasa to Everest Base Camp overland tour is a comprehensive journey plan that takes you through all the Tibetan highlights like prominent monasteries, pristine lakes, and the Himalayan Range to reach the base camp of Mt. Everest. The altitude ascension is gradual to keep the altitude sickness at bay. The tour begins with 2 days of altitude acclimatization in Lhasa with visits to the Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, and Sera Monastery.

Travel to Shigatse via Gyantse to explore the Pelkor Monastery and Gyantse Kumbum. Continue to Everest Base Camp to witness the stunning views of the world's highest peak. The tour also offers extra bonuses like eco-friendly water bottles, a warm apron, and a telescope. The tour concludes with a return to Lhasa.

17. Book Your Everest Base Camp Tour With A Local Tour Company

Booking your Everest Base Camp tour with a local tour company offers advantages like in-depth knowledge, experienced guides, and support for the local economy. As the successive award-winning Everest Base Camp tour operator in Tibet, we, Tibet Vista, can tailor the itinerary to your preferences and handle altitude-related challenges more effectively. With established local connections, we provide a safer and more personalized experience, ensuring a memorable journey through the stunning landscapes of Tibet. Also, price-wise, you can avoid in-between markups and do more pocket-friendly tours.

Tibet Everest Base Camp tour

Join our popular Lhasa to Everest Base Camp Tour


An Everest Base Camp tour in Tibet is a once-in-a-lifetime adventure, offering breathtaking views, rich cultural experiences, and the thrill of reaching the foothills of the world's highest peak. With our insider tips on Everest Base Camp in Tibet, however, we hope you know now what to expect on the tour and how to make the most of it. From preparing for high altitudes to capturing stunning sunrise and starry night views, these tips and tricks will make you feel you already know Everest Base Camp in Tibet and are well prepared to experience it with confidence and awe. Happy traveling!

Sonam Tenphel

About the Author - Sonam Tenphel

Energetic, responsible and reliable, Sonam is a guide with more than seven years experience informing visitors about heritage sites and attractions places in Tibet.

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