
Lhasa Tourist Information

Jun 28, 2016 6:43 By

Tourism Administrative Bureaus

Tourism Administrative Bureaus of Tibet Autonomous Region

Address: 18 Yuanlin Road Lhasa

Tel: 0891-6323632

Complain phone call: 6833476

Tourism Administrative Bureaus of Lhasa

Tel: 6323632

Head Tourism Company of Tibet

Address: 208 West Beijing Road

Tel: 6836651

Tibet International Travel Service

Address: West Beijing Road

Tel: 6835277

Tibet China Youth Travel Service

Address: 16 North Jiangsu Road

Tel: 6327414

Lhasa Tourism Company

Address: 27 Linju Road

Tel: 6335675


Medical Service Institutions

Tibetan Emergency Center

Tel: 120

People’s Hospital of Lhasa

Address: 6 East Beijing Road

Tel: 0891-6323811

People’s Hospital of the Autonomous Region

Address: North Linkuo Road

Tel: 0891-6332462

The Second People’s Hospital of the Autonomous Region

Address: West Jinzhu Road

Tel: 0891-6324883

Worker’s Sanatorium of Lhasa

Tel: 0891-6824684

Epidemic prevention station of Lhasa:

Tel: 0891-6322089

Tibetan Hospital of the Autonomous Region

Address: 26 Niangre Road

Tel: 6323428

Head Hospital of Tibetan Military Area Command

Address: Niangre Road

Tel: 6323390


Money, Banks and Currency

Bank of China, Construction Bank and Agriculture Bank set their branches in Lhasa. Agriculture Bank has the most banking outlets and branches of Construction Bank has been connected with a network. There’s a branch of Construction Bank at the west junction of the square of the Potala Palace. The ATM has been hooked up to the network and you can draw cashes with credit cards there.

The office hours of the bank is from 9:00 to 12:00 am and 15:00 to 18:00 pm. If you withdraw money with credit cards, you’d better avoid Saturdays and Sundays.

Place for converting foreign currencies: 33 East Jinzhu Road Post code: 850000

Sonam Tenphel

About the Author - Sonam Tenphel

Energetic, responsible and reliable, Sonam is a guide with more than seven years experience informing visitors about heritage sites and attractions places in Tibet.

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