
Jun 30, 2016 5:56 By

Mt. Everest, also known as Mt.Qomolangma, meaning Goddess Third in Tibet, is the highest peak in the world. The 8,848 meters (29,028 feet) high peak, snow capped throughout the year. The North Col of Everest is located in Tinggri (Shegar). Massive glaciers and seracs feature a thrilling splendor. The peak has been a holy climbing attraction for world's mountaineers. In recent years, more and more mountaineers start from the Everest Base Camp trying to conquer the world's highest peak while tourists trek to the foot of the peak to enjoy its beauty. Around Mt.Everest, there are four peaks above 8,000 meters high, including Mt. Makarluh, Gosanthain, Zhuoyo, Shishabanma and other 14 peaks above 7,000 meters, which form an amazing picture of Mt.Everest Natural Scenery Area with jokuls, peaks groups, and mountain waves.


Located at the border between China and Nepal, its North Slope belongs to China and south belongs to Nepal.


Mt. Everest lies at the borderline, about 100 kilometers far away from the Sino-Nepal Road. There is no regular bus from Shigatse or Nakchu to New Tingri(Shagar), so you’d better charter a car from Shigatse to New Tingri(Shagar) County. The road to Mt.Everest is at the crossroad of the Zhangmu Sino-Nepal Road from New Tingri(Shagar) to Old Tingri County. After 11 kilometers along Sino-Nepal Road, a sign of Mt.Everest Protection District will appear in front of you, not so Mt. Qomolangmaclearly shown. And also from here you’ll farewell the blacktop and get ready for a bad road with lots of small seasonal streams. During rainy days, the cars are often trapped in the muddy road. For the first time lots of the tourists often take the wrong direction to go straight and arrive in the Old Tingri. You may have to pay attention to the road sign and don’t get confused.

Admission Fee:

Starting 30 kilometers (20 miles) south from New Tinggri, one will reach a checkpoint. 11 kilometers (7miles) west of the checkpoint, a new road and an old one turn off south to Mt.Everest Base Camp. Costs: RMB 405 Yuan per car with RMB 65 Yuan for Himalayas Forest Park Ticket (drivers free).

Sightseeing Comments:

Attraction of Fastigium of the Earth, reputed as the Third Pole of the Earth is a must for travelers.

Recommendation Index:☆☆☆☆☆


(1) Exploration of Mt.Everest is not suitable from October to April in the following year because of the chill weather; and it is monsoon in July and August, when it is impossible to see the Mt.Everest in the misty rain. So it’s the best time to enjoy Mt.Everest in April, May and June.

(2) You need to issue a travel permit before you go to Mt.Everest Camp, Zhangmu Port or Ali. It may delay you if you issue the travel permit in Lhasa. So it’s better for you to issue it at the your local Police Office before you come to Tibet. The issuing procedure is quite simple and only cost RMB 2 Yuan. You can get it immediately. For the destination on the travel permit, you may have to fill it in like this. If you want to go to Mt.Everest you need to fill in the blank on the travel permit with Tingri County, Zhangmu Port with Nyalam County. You can also check it at the Police Office, which have map and detail information of the national boarder. If you have passport and valid visa to Nepal, then you don’t need any travel permit to go to Mt.Everest or Zhangmu. However, if you want to go to Tsaparang to visit Googe Dynasty it won’t work, you still need travel permit unless you have the valid visa to India or Pakistan.

(3) Going to Mt.Everest you can live in Rongbuk Monastery, but it is often full of accommodated tourists. In Rongbuk Monastery there is a hostel with 100 beds, a dinning room and a store. The price for one bed is RMB 25 Yuan. It’s also a good idea to stay outside by setting up a tent, but do remember to bring a sleeping sack because of the chillness at night. There are about 8 kilometers between Rongbuk Monastery and Mt.Everest Base Camp. If you take the camping stuffs, you can also stay at Mt.Everest Base Camp, but you need to cook by yourself with your own stove.

(4) At Mt.Everest Base Camp, you can cost RMB 2 Yuan to get a postmark from the clerk at Mt.Everest Post Office for memory, and then deliver the postcard to your friends or your family members to share the exciting moment. After half a month your friends from either the domestic or abroad will get this significant postcard. During the mountaineering season, the clerk who is responsible for the liaison of Tibet Mountaineering Association will resident here, from whom you can buy a little food and water, but very expensive, about three times higher than it in Lhasa. For instance, the beer is RMB 10 Yuan per tin.

(5) It is recommended to take picture of Mt.Everest afterglow after you check in at Rongbuk Monastery. Rongbuk Monastery is also a good place for overlooking Mt.Everest. There are only 25 kilometers straightaway between these tow places. From Rongbuk Monastery, take a 15 mins’ car or 2 hs’ walk across valley, cliff and odd rocks, and finally you will arrive at Qomolangma Base Camp enjoying the most beautiful view at the dawn or evening fall. The Admission Fee here is RMB 20 Yuan per one. There are about 3 or hours car drive away from here to Serac Groups-Serac World.

(7) You’d better wear anti-slip; endurable, cling-ground sports shoes with dentate tread.

Sonam Tenphel

About the Author - Sonam Tenphel

Energetic, responsible and reliable, Sonam is a guide with more than seven years experience informing visitors about heritage sites and attractions places in Tibet.

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